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Saturday, August 21, 2010

An Explanation

Well, I disappeared for a long time but this time, I have a reasonable excuse. You remember, I mentioned that I was at CTYI? If not, well, I did. That took up a fair amount of my time and left me emotionally drained. My final year and I was forced to leave two days early. -sigh- There's a long, long story behind that but, basically, due to my horrible habit of trying to take other peoples problems onto myself to stop them from hurting, I often ignore my own problems and this time I guess I over did it and burned out a little. And boy were there problems this year...

Also, anyone that remembers my little panic about my relationship last April is unlikely to be surprised to hear that I am now single. The two of us decided that we weren't really suited to each other and it would be best if we went our separate ways. I was less torn up by this them I expected and it dawned on me that that was probably because when I said 'We're two separate people on two separate paths' I was right. Thankfully, things weren't weird between us when I got back.

We won't talk about the minor boo-boo I made by falling for a guy who has problems coming out his ears and is also one of my best friends. I think I patched that up as best I could. We'll see how things go.

I also accidentally sent a text meant for a friend to my ex, stating that I still had feelings for him. I took the standard route and decided to pretend it never happened. That's actually going great. Denial is the best approach to avoid embarrassing conversations. xD

Sometimes I wonder why I bother posting these, since no one reads them but I suppose it's a good way to work out my anger/sadness/etc without resorting to fire and a jail sentence.

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